
Film, Television, Books, Comics, Music, & other cultural fun.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Welcome to MorsecodePop!

Thanks for stopping by this new blog, a spinoff of my "Morsecode" blog. I've created this so I've got a separate venue to handle discussions of things like Film, Music, Comics, and other pursuits, while the original "Morsecode" blog will be focused on news, politics, world events, and other serious stuff.

So what's up in the near future for MorsecodePop? We'll have some DVD reviews over the first week, as well as some thoughts on some recent comic relaunches to come out of Marvel comics. On the books side, expect some posts in the next week or two regarding William Gibson's Pattern Recognition & Art Spiegelman's Maus.

Another thing that we may do is some TV blogging, along with some TV-on-DVD reviews. I'll be picking some shows to do some macro analysis on, as well as some episode by episode reviews.

As for post frequency, we're shooting for at least one post per day. Topics covered will frequenly lean to the geeky realm because, well, everyone who could be posting to this blog is at least a little bit of a geek.

Thanks for visiting, and please come back soon...


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